2010 - Present
In Press
No articles in press at this time.
Jutras, C., Gauthier, A.P., Timony, P.E., Côté, D., & Kpazaï, G. (2020). Expérience de francophones en situation minoritaire chez leur médecin de famille avec un regard particulier sur les enjeux de la concordance et de la discordance linguistique sur cette expérience. Diversity of Research in Health Journal. 3, 12-33.
Markle-Reid M.F., McAiney, C., Ganann, R., Fisher, K., Gafni, A., Gauthier, A.P., Heald-Taylor, G., McElhaney, J., Ploeg, J., Urajnik, D., Valaitis, R., Whitmore, C. (2020). Study protocol for a hospital-to-home transitional care intervention for older adults with multiple chronic conditions and depressive symptoms: A pragmatic effectiveness-implementation trial. BMC Geriatrics. 20, 240.
Sanou, B., Beaudoin, M., Gauthier, A.P., Chomienne, M-H., Prud’homme, D., & Kpazai, G. (2020). Processus de développement d’une trousse d’accompagnement pour l’examen médical des nouveaux arrivants francophones : un exemple de coopération. Diversity of Research in Health Journal. 3, 84-96.
Toal-Sullivan, D., Lemonde, M., Gauthier, A.P., Dahrouge, S. (2020). Theoretical and Practical Considerations for the Adoption of a Lay Navigator Training Program in Primary Care. Health Education Journal.
Dahrouge, S., Gauthier, A.P., Chiocchio, F., Presseau, J., Kendall, C., Lemonde, M., Chomienne, M-H., Perna, A., Toal-Sullivan, D., Devlin, R.A., Timony, P., & Prud'homme, D. (2019). Access to Resources in the Community through Navigation: A Feasibility Study Protocol. JMIR Research Protocols, 8(1):e11022.
Hogenbirk, J.C., Gauthier, A.P., Walker, J.D. (2019). Access to Quality Medical and Health Services: Examples from Northern Ontario. Rural Foresight Paper commissioned by the Rural Ontario Institute. Guelph, ON.
Mian, O., Hogenbirk, JC., Marsh, D., Prowse, O., Cain, M. & Warry, W. (2019). Tracking Indigenous applicants through the admissions process of a socially accountable medical school: findings from the Northern Ontario School of Medicine in Canada. Academic Medicine February 5, 2019 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print.
Russell, J., Bolan, J., Zhao, Y., Rowe, R., & Walker, J. (2019). An Evaluation of Naandwe Noojimowin. Prepared for Lisa Meawasige, Mental Wellness and Minobimadizing. Maamwesying North Shore Community Health Services Inc., p. 151.
Strong, S., & Rebeiro Gruhl, K. (2019). Person-Environment-Occupation Model, In C. Brown & V. Stoffell (Eds.) Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: A Vision for Participation, Second Edition. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company, pp. 29-46.
Cardinal, L., Normand, M., Castonguay, M., Eddie, M-H., Gauthier, A.P., Huot, S., Laforest, R., Prud’homme, D., Savard, J. et Yaya, S. (2018). L’offre active de services de santé mentale en français en Ontario : une étude du centre sud-ouest. Minorités linguistiques et société, 9, 74-99.
Dahrouge, S., James, K., Gauthier, A.P., Chiocchio, F. (2018). Engaging patients to improve equitable access to community resources. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 190 (Suppl 1): S46-S47.
Larkins, S., Johnston, K., Hogenbirk, JC., Willems, S., Elsanousi, S., Mammen, M., Van Roy, K., Iputo, J., Cristobal, FL., Greenhill, J., Labarda, C. & Neusy, AJ. (2018). Practice intentions at entry to and exit from medical schools aspiring to social accountability: findings from the Training for Health Equity Network Graduate Outcome Study. BMC Medical Education. 18: 261.
Rebeiro Gruhl, K., Lacarte, S., Boucher, M., & Ledrew, L. (2018). Being, Belonging and Becoming: Development of the 3B Scale. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal.
Strasser, R. and Cheu, H. (2018). Needs of the many: Northern Ontario School of Medicine students' experience of generalism and rural practice. Can Fam Physician (64): e449-e455.
Strasser, R.P., Hogenbirk, J.C., Jacklin, K., Maar, M., Hudson, G., Warry, W., Cheu, H., Dubé, T. and Carson, D. (2018). Community Engagement: The Centrepiece of NOSM's Socially Accountable Distributed Medical Education. Canadian Medical Education Journal 9(1): e33-e43.
Timony, P.T., Gauthier, A.P., Sanou, B., Wenghofer, E.F. (2018) An Examination of the Workload of Ontario's French-Speaking Family Physicians in Francophone Rural/Northern Communities. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. 23(3), 76-84.
Wenghofer, E.F., Kam, S.M., Timony, P.E., Strasser, R., Sutinen, J. (2018). Geographic variation in FP and GP scope of practice in Ontario: Comparative provincial study. Can Fam Physician (64): e274-e282.
Bourassa, C., Blind, M., Jacklin, K., Oleson, E.J., Ross-Hopley, K. (2017). The Understanding From Within Project: perspectives from Aboriginal caregivers, In Indigenous peoples and dementia: Experiencing and Understanding Memory Loss and Memory Care in Three Settler Nations. Wendy Hulko and Jean Balestrery eds. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Carson, D., Wenghofer, E., Timony, P., Schoo, A., Berggren, P., Charters, B., White, D., Vuin, A., & Garrett, J. (2017). Recruitment and retention of professional labour: The health workforce at settlement level. In A. Taylor, D.B. Carson, P.C. Ensign, R.O. Rasmussen, T.L. Huskey, and G. Eilmsteiner-Saxinger, eds. Settlements at the Edge: Remote Human Settlements in Developed Nations. Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Eibl, J. K., Gauthier, G., Pellegrini, D., Daiter, J., Varenbut, M., Hogenbirk, J.C., Marsh, D.C. (2017). The effectiveness of telemedicine-delivered opioid agonist therapy in a supervised clinical setting. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 176, 133-138.
Jacklin, K. M., Ly, A., Calam, B., Green, M., Walker, L., & Crowshoe, L. (2017). An innovative sequential focus group method for investigating diabetes care experiences with Indigenous peoples in Canada. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.1-12.
Jacklin, K.M., Henderson, R.I., Green, M.E., Walker, L.M., Calam, B., & Crowshoe, J.L. (2017). Health care experiences of Indigenous people living with type 2 diabetes in Canada. CMAJ. 189: E106-12.
Jones, L., Jacklin, K., O’Connell, M.E. (2017). Development and use of health-related technologies in Indigenous communities: a critical review. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 19(7).
Mian, O.M., Hogenbirk, J.C., Strasser, P.R. & Warry, W. (2017). How underserviced rural communities approach physician recruitment: changes following the opening of a socially accountable medical school in Northern Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine, 22(4).
Wenghofer, E.F., Hogenbirk, J.C., & Timony, P.E. (2017). Impact of the rural pipeline in medical education: practice locations of recently graduated family physicians in Ontario. Human Resources for Health. 15:16.
Baribeau, D.A., Ramji, N., Slater, M., & Weyman, K. (2016). A brief clinical advocacy experience for medical students. Clinical Teacher, 13, 1-5.
Carter, L. M., Hanna, M., & Warry, W. (2016). Perceptions of the Impact of Online Learning as a Distance-based Learning Model on the Professional Practices of Working Nurses in Northern Ontario| Perceptions de l’impact de l’apprentissage en ligne comme modèle d’apprentissage à distance sur les pratiques professionnelles du personnel infirmier du nord de l’Ontario. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology/La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie, 42(3).
Ellaway, R.H.,* O'Gorman, L.,* Strasser, R., Marsh, D.C., Graves, L., Fink, P., & Cervin, C. (2016). A critical hybrid realist-outcomes systematic review of relationships between medical education programmes and communities: BEME Guide No. 35. Medical Teacher 38(3): 229-245.
Freeman, S., Frise, T., Smith, Neufeld, E., Fisher, K., & Ebihara, S. (2016). The wish to die among palliative home care clients in Ontario, Canada: A cross-sectional study. BMC Palliative Care 15(24).
Gauthier, A.P., Jbilou, J. (2016). A strategic initiative to foster interprofessional collaboration: A case report using a men’s healthy living programme. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 30(6), 829-831.
Gewurtz, R., Moll, S., Poole, J.M. & Rebeiro Gruhl, K. (2016). Qualitative research in mental health and mental illness. Chapter 13, pp 203-223, in K. Olson, R.A. Young, and I.Z. Schultz, eds. Handbook of Qualitative Health Research for Evidence-Based Practice. New York, New York: Springer.
Hogenbirk, J.C., Timony, P.E., French, M.G., Strasser, R., Pong, R.W., Cervin, C., & Graves, L. (2016). Milestones on the social accountability journey: Family medicine practice locations of Northern Ontario School of Medicine graduates. Canadian Family Physician 62(3): e138-e145.
Jacklin, K., Ly, A., Calam, B., Green, M., Walker, L., & Crowshoe, L. (2016). An innovative sequential focus group method for investigating diabetes care with Indigenous peoples in Canada. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.
McNeil, H., Elliott, J., Huson, K., Ashbourne, J., Heckman, G., Walker, J., & Stolee, P. (2016). Engaging older adults in healthcare research and planning: a realist synthesis. Research Involvement and Engagement 2(10).
O'Gorman, L.D.* and Hogenbirk, J.C. (2016). Driving distance to telemedicine units in Northern Ontario as a measure of potential access to healthcare. Telemedicine and e-Health 22(4): 269-275.
O'Gorman, L.D.*, Hogenbirk, J.C., and Warry, W. (2016). Clinical telemedicine utilization in Ontario over the Ontario Telemedicine Network. Telemedicine and e-Health 22(6): 473-479.
Rebeiro Gruhl, K.L. (2016). Becoming visible: Exploring the meaning of busking for a person with a mental illness. Journal of Occupational Science.
Rebeiro Gruhl, K.L., LaCarte, S., & Calixte, S. (2016). Authentic peer support: Challenges to an evolving occupation. Journal of Mental Health, 25(1): 78-86.
Timony, P.E., Gauthier, A.P., Serresse, S., Goodale, N., & Prpic, J. (2016). Barriers to offering French language physician services in rural and northern Ontario. Rural and Remote Health. 16, 3805.
Al-Hamad, A. and O'Gorman, L.* (2015). Northern Ontario Health Care Priorities: Access to Culturally Appropriate Care for Physical and Mental Health. Thunder Bay, Ontario: Northern Policy Institute. [Briefing Note 2: June 2015.]
Bogler, T., Farber, A., Wijayasinghe, S., Slater, M., Stall, N., Guiang, C., Glazier, R.H. (2015). Missed connections: the unintended consequences of updated cervical cancer screening guidelines on sexually transmitted infection screening. Canadian Family Physician, 61(10), e459-e466.
Bourassa, C., Blind, M., Dietrich, D., Oleson, E. (2015). Understanding the Inter-generational Effects of Colonization: Aboriginal Women with Neurological Conditions – Their Reality and Resilience. International Journal of Indigenous Health 10(2):3-20.
Carter, L.M., Beattie, B., Caswell, W., Fitzgerald, S., and Nowrouzi, B. (2015). An examination of interprofessional team functioning in a BScN blended learning program: Implications for accessible distance-based nursing education programs. Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education 41(1): 1-14
Charbonneau, V., Gauthier, A.P., Martel, J., Urajnik, D., Dénommé, J., Laclé, S., Lefebvre, M., Malaviarachchi, D., Michel, I., & Thistle, N. (2015). Recommendations for post-secondary student engagement in promoting responsible alcohol consumption. Youth Engagement in Health Promotion.1(1).
Couper, I., Strasser, R., Rourke, J., and Wynn-Jones, J. (2015). Rural health activism over two decades: The WoncaWorking Party on Rural Practice 1992-2012. Rural and Remote Health 15 (Online): 3245.
Druin, H., Walker, J., McNeil, H., Elliott, J., and Stolee, P. (2015). Measured outcomes of chronic care programs for older adults: a systematic review. BMC Geriatrics 15:139.
Gauthier, A.P., Timony, P.E., Serresse, S.*, Goodale, N., and Prpic, J. (2015). Strategies for improved French-language health services: Perspectives of family physicians in northeastern Ontario. Canadian Family Physician 61 (Online): e382-e390.
Heisel, M.J., Neufeld, E., and Flett, G.L. (2015). Reasons for living, meaning in life, and suicide ideation: Investigating the roles of key positive psychological factors in reducing suicide risk in community-residing older adults. Aging & Mental Health, Special Issue on Suicide and Aging.
Hogenbirk, J.C., French, M.G., Timony, P.E., Strasser, R.P., Hunt, D., and Pong, R.W. (2015). Outcomes of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine's distributed medical education programmes: Protocol for a longitudinal comparative multicohort study. BMJ Open 5: e008246.
Hogenbirk, J.C., McGrail, M.R., Strasser, R., Lacarte, S.A., Kevat, A., and Lewenberg, M. (2015). Urban washout: How strong is the rural-background effect? Australian Journal of Rural Health 23(3): 161-168.
Hogenbirk, J.C., Robinson, D.R., Hill, M.E., Pong, R.W., Minore, B., Adams, K., Strasser, R.P., and Lipinski, J. (2015). The economic contribution of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine to communities participating in distributed medical education. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine 20(1): 25-32.
Jacklin, K., Pace, J.E., and Warry, W. (2015). Informal dementia caregiving among Indigenous communities in Ontario, Canada. Care Management Journals 16(2): 106-120.
Neufeld, E., Hirdes, J.P., Perlman, C.M., and Rabinowitz, T. (2015). A longitudinal examination of rural status and suicide risk. Healthcare Management Forum 28(4): 129-133.
Neufeld, E., Hirdes, J.P., Perlman, C.M., and Rabinowitz, T. (2015). Risk and protective factors associated with intentional self-harm among older community-residing home care clients in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Neufeld, E., Viau, K.A.,* Hirdes, J.P., and Warry, W. (2015). Predictors of frequent emergency department visits among rural older adults in Ontario using the Resident Assessment Instrument-Home Care. Australian Journal of Rural Health
Nowrouzi, B., Gohar, B., Smith, C., Nowrouzi-Kia, B., Khan, R., McDougall, A., Garbaczewska, M., Sivathasan, S., Brewster, K., and Carter, L. (2015). An examination of health, medical and nutritional information on the Internet: A comparative study of Wikipedia, WebMD and the Mayo Clinic websites. International Journal of Communication and Health 2015(6): 30-38.
Nowrouzi, B., Lightfoot, N., Carter, L., Larivière, M., Rukholm, E., Schinke, R., and Belanger-Gardner, D. (2015). The relationship between quality of work life and location of cross-training among obstetric nurses in urban northeastern Ontario, Canada: A population-based cross sectional study. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 28(3): Online.
Nowrouzi, B., Lightfoot, N., Carter, L., Larivière, M., Rukholm, E., and Belanger-Gardner, D. (2015). A qualitative study of the work environment in obstetrical nursing in northeastern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 5(7): 10-22.
Nowrouzi, B., Lightfoot, N., Carter, L., Larivière, M., Rukholm, E., and Belanger-Gardner, D. (2015). Workplace system factors of obstetric nurses in northeastern Ontario, Canada: Using a work disability prevention approach. Safety and Health at Work 6(4): 305-311
Nowrouzi, B., Lightfoot, N., Carter, L., Larivère, M., Rukholm, E., Schinke, R., and Belanger-Gardner, D. (2015). Work ability and work-related stress: A cross-sectional study of obstetrical nurses in urban northeastern Ontario. Work 52(1): 115-122.
Nowrouzi, B., Lightfoot, N., Larivière, M., Carter, L., Rukholm, E., Schinke, R., and Belanger-Gardner, D. (2015). Occupational stress management and burnout interventions in nursing and their implications for healthy work environments: A literature review. Workplace Health and Safety 63(7): 308-315.
Nowrouzi, B., Rukholm, E., Larivière, M., Carter, L., Koren, I., and Mian, O. (2015). An examination of retention factors among registered practical nurses in north-eastern Ontario, Canada. Rural and Remote Health 15 (Online): 3191.
Rebeiro Gruhl, K.L., Lacarte, S., and Calixte, S. (2015). Authentic peer support work: Challenges and opportunities for an evolving occupation. Journal of Mental Health Early Online: 1-9.
Ritchie, S.D., Wabano, M.J., Corbiere, R.G., Restoule, B.M., Russell, K.C., and Young, N.L. (2015). Connecting to the good life through outdoor adventure leadership experiences designed for Indigenous youth. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 15(4): 350-370
Strasser, R., Worley, P., Cristobal, F., Marsh, D.C., Berry, S., Strasser, S., and Ellaway, R.* (2015). Putting communities in the driver's seat: The realities of community-engaged medical education. Academic Medicine 90(11): 1466-1470.
Tarighi, P., Sherman, J., Mian, O., and Nathens, A. (2015). The importance of tailoring physicians' trauma care training in rural environments. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 58(6), 423-5.
Timony, P.E., Coons, K.D. and Leduc, M. (2015). Setting Priorities for Northern Ontario's Health Policy Agenda. Thunder Bay, Ontario: Northern Policy Institute. [Briefing Note: March 2015.]
Wenghofer, E.F. (2015). Research in medical regulation: An active demonstration of accountability. Journal of Medical Regulation 101(3): 13-17.
Wenghofer, E.F., Campbell, C., Marlow, B., Kam, S.M., Carter, L., and McCauley, W. (2015). The effect of continuing professional development on public complaints: A case-control study. Medical Education 49(3): 264-275.
Young, N.L., Wabano, M.J., Ritchie, S.D., Burke, T.A., * Pangowish, B.,* and Corbiere, R.G. (2015). Assessing children's interpretations of the Aboriginal Children's Health and Well-being Measure (ACHWM). Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 13 (Online): 105
Young, N.L., Wabano, M.J., Usuba, K., Pangowish, B., * Trottier, M., * Jacko, D., Burke, T.A.,* and Corbiere, R.G. (2015). Validity of the Aboriginal Children's Health and Well-being Measure: Aaniish Naa Gegii? Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 13 (Online): 148.
Zarins, B. and Carter, L. (2015). A narrative-based Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program: Experiences and insights, pp 193-216, in P. Blessinger and J.M. Carfora, eds. Inquiry-Based Learning for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Programs: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Volume 4). Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing.
Zarins, B., Carter, L.M., and McParland, T. (2015). An innovative approach to adult education in a two-year BScN program: Creating partnerships in learning. Quality Advancement in Nursing Education 1(2): Article 6.
Agréus, L. and Strasser, R. (2014). Läkarutbildning i glesbygd - ett radikalt koncept från Kanada (in Swedish). Läkartidningen 111: CMEP.
Beaton, D.E., Dyer, S., Jiang, D., Sujic, R., Slater, M., Sale, J.E., Bogoch, E.R. (2014). The Osteoporosis Fracture Clinic Screening Program Evaluation Team. Factors influencing the pharmacological management of osteoporosis after fragility fracture: results from the Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy’s fracture clinic screening program. Osteoporosis International, 25(1), 289-296.
Berry, S., Briggs, M., and Marsh, D.C. (2014). Building capacity for integrated clinical learning in rural settings. Chapter 2.2.4 in WONCA Rural Medical Education Guidebook. World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA): WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice.
Dubé, T.V., Schinke, R.J., Strasser, R., and Lightfoot, N. (2014). Interviewing in situ: Employing the guided walk as a dynamic form of qualitative inquiry. Medical Education 48(11): 1092-1100.
D’Souza, N., Slater, M., and Lofters, A. (2014). Do patients in a primary care practice know the current cancer screening guidelines? Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 4(5), 299-306.
Fitzgerald, S., Beattie, b., Carter, L., and Caswell, W. (2014). Responsive BScN programming at Nipissing University: The continuing education of Ontario nurses. Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education 40(1): 1-13
Grace, E.S., Wenghofer, E.F., and Korinek, E.J. (2014). Predictors of physician performance on competence assessment: Findings from CPEP, the Center for Personalized Education for Physicians. Academic Medicine 89(6): 912-919.
Jacklin, K., Strasser, R., and Peltier, I. (2014). From the community to the classroom: The Aboriginal health curriculum at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine 19(4): 143-150.
Liu, W., Shi, L., Pong, R.W., Dong, H., Mao, Y., Tang, M., and Chen, Y. (2014). Differences in evaluating health technology assessment knowledge translation by researchers and policy makers in China. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 30(6): 612-620.
Luhanga, F., Koren, I., Yonge, O., and Myrick, F. (2014). Strategies for managing unsafe precepted nursing students: A nursing faculty perspective. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 4(5): 116-125.
McLeod, J., Stolee, P., Walker, J., Heckman, G. (2014). Measuring care transition quality for older patients with musculoskeletal disorders. Musculoskeletal Care 12(1):13-21.
Nowrouzi, B., Lightfoot, N., Carter, L., Lariviere, M., Rukholm, E., Schinke, R., and Belanger-Gardner, D. (2014). Work ability and work-related stress: A cross-sectional study of obstetrical nurses in urban northeastern Ontario. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 71(Supplement 1): A58.
Partridge, C., Cote-Meek, S., Manitowabi, S., and Mawhiney, A.M., eds (2014). Special Edition in Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the School of Indigenous Relations. Native Social Work Journal 9.
Paterson, J., Place, J., MacLeod, M., and Pitblado, R. (2014). Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Newfoundland and Labrador: An Analysis of CIHI's Nursing Database. Prince George, British Columbia: Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada II. RRN2-01-10. [Short report derived from R. Pitblado et al. (2013). Characteristics and Distribution of the Regulated Nursing Workforce in Rural and Small Town Canada, 2003 and 2010.]
Paterson, J., Place, J., and MacLeod, M. (2014). Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Ontario: An Analysis of CIHI's Nursing Database. Prince George, British Columbia: Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada II. RRN2-01-5. [Short report derived from R. Pitblado et al. (2013). Characteristics and Distribution of the Regulated Nursing Workforce in Rural and Small Town Canada, 2003 and 2010.]
Place, J., MacLeod, M., Johnston, S., and Pitblado, R. (2014). Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote British Columbia: An Analysis of CIHI's Nursing Database. Prince George, British Columbia: Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada II. RRN2-01-1. [Short report derived from R. Pitblado et al. (2013). Characteristics and Distribution of the Regulated Nursing Workforce in Rural and Small Town Canada, 2003 and 2010.]
Place, J., MacLeod, M., Kilpatrick, K., and Pitblado, R. (2014). Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Québec: An Analysis of CIHI's Nursing Database. Prince George, British Columbia: Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada II. RRN2-01-6. [Short report derived from R. Pitblado et al. (2013). Characteristics and Distribution of the Regulated Nursing Workforce in Rural and Small Town Canada, 2003 and 2010.]
Place, J., MacLeod, M., Kulig, J., and Pitblado, R. (2014). Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Alberta: An Analysis of CIHI's Nursing Database. Prince George, British Columbia: Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada II. RRN2-01-2. [Short report derived from R. Pitblado et al. (2013). Characteristics and Distribution of the Regulated Nursing Workforce in Rural and Small Town Canada, 2003 and 2010.]
Place, J., MacLeod, M., Moffitt, P., and Pitblado, R. (2014). Fact Sheet: Nursing Employment in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Prince George, British Columbia: Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada II. RRN2-01-11.
Place, J., MacLeod, M., Stewart, N., and Pitblado, R. (2014). Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Saskatchewan: An Analysis of CIHI's Nursing Database. Prince George, British Columbia: Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada II. RRN2-01-3. [Short report derived from R. Pitblado et al. (2013). Characteristics and Distribution of the Regulated Nursing Workforce in Rural and Small Town Canada, 2003 and 2010.]
Place, J., MacLeod, M., and Pitblado, R. (2014). Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Manitoba: An Analysis of CIHI's Nursing Database. Prince George, British Columbia: Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada II. RRN2-01-4. [Short report derived from R. Pitblado et al. (2013). Characteristics and Distribution of the Regulated Nursing Workforce in Rural and Small Town Canada, 2003 and 2010.]
Place, J., MacLeod, M., and Pitblado, R. (2014). Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Nova Scotia: An Analysis of CIHI's Nursing Database. Prince George, British Columbia: Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada II. RRN2-01-8. [Short report derived from R. Pitblado et al. (2013). Characteristics and Distribution of the Regulated Nursing Workforce in Rural and Small Town Canada, 2003 and 2010.]
Place, J., MacLeod, M., and Pitblado, R. (2014). Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Prince Edward Island: An Analysis of CIHI's Nursing Database. Prince George, British Columbia: Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada II. RRN2-01-9. [Short report derived from R. Pitblado et al. (2013). Characteristics and Distribution of the Regulated Nursing Workforce in Rural and Small Town Canada, 2003 and 2010.]
Place, J., Paterson, J., MacLeod, M., Archbell, K., and Pitblado, R. (2014). Fact Sheet: Nursing Employment in the Yukon. Prince George, British Columbia: Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada II. RRN2-01-12.
Place, J., Paterson, J., MacLeod, M., an Pitblado, R. (2014). Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote New Brunswick: An Analysis of CIHI's Nursing Database. Prince George, British Columbia: Nursing Practice in Rural and Remote Canada II. RRN2-01-7. [Short report derived from R. Pitblado et al. (2013). Characteristics and Distribution of the Regulated Nursing Workforce in Rural and Small Town Canada, 2003 and 2010.]
Ritchie, S.D., Wabano, M.-J., Russell, K., Enosse, L., and Young, N.L. (2014). Promoting resilience and well-being through an outdoor intervention designed for Aboriginal adolescents. Rural and Remote Health 14 (Online): 2523.
Salyers, V., Carter, L., Cairns, S., and Durrer, L. (2014). The use of scaffolding and interactive learning strategies in online courses for working nurses: Implications for adult and online education. Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education 40(1): 1-19.
Strasser, R. and Berry, S. (2014). Special issue on Rendez-Vous 2012 conference, Thunder Bay, Canada, October 9-14, 2012: Community participation in health professional education, research and service. Education for Health 27(2): 111-115.
Usuba, K., Oddson, B., Gauthier, A.P., and Young, N.L. (2014). Changes in gross motor function and health-related quality of life in adults with cerebral palsy: An 8-year follow-up study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
VanderBurgh, D., Jamieson, R., Beardy, J., Ritchie, S.D., and Orkin, A. (2014). Community-based first aid: A program report on the intersection of community-based participatory research and first aid education in a remote Canadian Aboriginal community. Rural and Remote Health 14 (Online): 2537.
Wenghofer, E.F., Marlow, B., Campbell, C., Carter, L., Kam, S., McCauley, W., and Hill, L. (2014). The relationship between physician participation in continuing professional development programs and physician in- practice peer assessments. Academic Medicine 89(6): 920-927.
Wenghofer, E.F., Timony, P.E., and Gauthier, N.J. (2014). 'Rural' doesn't mean 'uniform': Northern vs southern rural family physicians' workload and practice structures in Ontario. Rural and Remote Health 14 (Online): 2720.
Young, N.L., Anselmo, L.A., Burke, T.A., McCormick, A., and Mukherjee, S. (2014). Youth and young adults with spina bifida: Their utilization of physician and hospital services. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 95(3): 466-471.
Cassis, F.R.M.Y., Carneiro, J.D.A., Villaça, P.R., D'Amico, E.A., Santos, V.N., Roy-Charland, A., Burke, T., Blanchette, V., Brandao, L.R., and Young, N.L. (2013). Importance of literacy for self-reported health-related quality of life: A study of boys with haemophilia in Brazil. Haemophilia 19(6): 866-869.
Dorman, S., Gauthier, A.P., and Thirkill, L. (2013). The impact of the balanced school day on student physical activity and nutrition. Physical and Health Education Journal 78(4): 6-10.
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